
Nowenterthedefaultusernameandpasswordofyourrouterandyouwillbegrantedaccesstoitsadminpanel.Ifyoudonothappentoknowwhattheusernameand ...,Thedefaultpasswordisadmin.Entertheusername&password,hitEnterandnowyoushouldseethecontrolpanelofyourrouter.DlinkDIR-605L ...,FactoryDefaultSettingsfortheD-LinkDIR-605Lwirelessrouter.IPAddress,,admin.Password.SSID.,Thedefaultusern...

D-Link - DIR

Now enter the default username and password of your router and you will be granted access to its admin panel. If you do not happen to know what the username and ...

Dlink DIR

The default password is admin. Enter the username & password, hit Enter and now you should see the control panel of your router. Dlink DIR-605L ...

D-Link DIR

Factory Default Settings for the D-Link DIR-605L wireless router. IP Address, Load Admin. Username, admin. Password. SSID.

How do I add my DIR 605L to my mydlink account | D

The default username is admin (all lower case) and the default password is blank (nothing). However, if you have changed it, enter the appropriate password.

I have forgotten my wireless password, how do I recover it?

Step 3: Choose the DIR-605L from My Devices on the left-hand side of the page. Go to the Settings tab. picture. Step 4: Under Basic Settings, click the arrow ...


繼續登入DIR-605L網頁管理頁面之用戶名稱及密碼請參考以下: 使用者名稱: admin ... dlink.com.tw註冊,請使用自己申請的Email註冊. 電子郵件(mydlink帳號名稱 ...


... 瀏覽器於瀏覽器網址列上輸入.使用者名稱『admin』密碼『空白』按登入至DIR-605L的設定畫面. 2.點選『我不需要連上網際網路』. 3.回登入頁面. 4.


目錄. 一、DIR-605L面板燈號及背版說明.


您也可以勾選「自動產生無線密碼」,路由器會產生一組亂數的密碼給您。 確認資料無誤後按「下一步」的按鈕,再參考第13頁的說明。。

D-Link DIR

2023年9月12日 — The DIR-605L doesn't have a default password (don't type anything). The default username is admin. The default IP address is